G4K Pirate Scarlet Storm Escape Game - In Pirate Scarlet Storm Escape, the notorious pirate captain, Scarlet Storm, has been captured by a rival crew and imprisoned...
G4K Pet Caring Boy Escape Game - In “Pet Caring Boy Escape”, you must help a young boy who is trapped inside a cozy home with his beloved pets....
BEG Ready to New Year - BigEscapeGames – BEG Ready to New Year Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Big Escape Games....
Wow Trapped Twin Sister Escape - WowEscape – Wow Trapped Twin Sister Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Wow Escape. In this...
RiddleMath - Math Riddles level up your IQ with a mix of logical puzzles. Challenge yourself with different levels of math games and stretch...