G4K Caged Santa Escape Game - In “Caged Santa Escape”, you must rescue Santa Claus, who has been trapped in a magical cage by a mischievous...
G4K Christmas Hat Bird Rescue Game - In Christmas Hat Bird Rescue, you embark on a festive adventure to save a charming bird wearing a tiny Christmas hat, trapped...
G2J White Pigeon Rescue - Games2Jolly – G2J White Pigeon Rescue Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games 2 Jolly. In...
Decorating Quest - Christmas decorating is one of the most beautiful activities during the New Year holidays. Everyone wants to decorate their...
G4K Princess Briona Escape Game - In the mystical kingdom of Arvendale, Princess Briona is trapped in a magical tower by an envious sorceress. The tower is...