G4K Princess Elara Escape Game - In “Princess Elara Escape,” the once peaceful kingdom has been engulfed in darkness. Princess Elara, trapped...
G4K Cheerful Butcher Rescue Game - In Cheerful Butcher Rescue, players must help a friendly butcher escape a tricky situation. Trapped in his own shop by a...
G2M Desert Kingdom Rescue - Desert Kingdom Rescue: Embark on a daring quest to save the Desert Queen, who is trapped in a perilous desert palace. Navigate...
Amgel Easy Room Escape 244 - AmgelEscape – Amgel Easy Room Escape 244 is another point and click room escape game developed by Amgel Escape. In...
G4K Maid Rescue Game - In Maid Rescue, you find yourself trapped in a mysterious mansion where the maid has been kidnapped. Your mission is to solve...