G4K Pirate Captain Bloodbeard Escape Game - In Pirate Captain Bloodbeard Escape, the notorious pirate captain has been imprisoned in a cursed dungeon beneath a treacherous...
G2M Santa Claus Rescue - Santa Claus Rescue is a point and click game developed by 8B Games/Games2Mad.Imagine that you had been to a village for christmas...
G4K Delivery Lad Escape Game - In “Delivery Lad Escape”, you must help a hardworking delivery boy who has been locked inside a mysterious building...
G4K Radiant Tiger Rescue Game - In “Radiant Tiger Rescue”, you set out on a thrilling mission to save a luminous lion cub trapped in a magical...
Amgel Christmas Room Escape 10 - AmgelEscape – Amgel Christmas Room Escape 10 is another point and click room escape game developed by Amgel Escape....
You are in a room strongly resembling a living room. Your goal is to free a captive dwarf by uncovering the mysteries of this place. Look for the clues that will help you find it and solve the different puzzles to progress. Decipher the puzzles, find hidden objects and use your deductive skills to find the key to the dwarf's freedom. Every object found, every broken code brings you closer to the solution. You will have to show ingenuity, logic and patience. Get ready to test your detective skills and enjoy a captivating experience, it's up to you!