Lost in 2224

That the state does not reveal to us all the secrets and all the projects it is working on is an inevitable fact that must be accepted. It's not that they don't want to be good to the citizens, but they simply can't get all the things to us, mostly because of our security. Simply, some things must remain a top secret because if they become known, someone can abuse them and use them for negative purposes. And you can assume that space, and missions that take place outside of our country, so imagine, and outside of our time, are definitely something that is kept secret. Harold is an astronaut working on a secret government experiment. That, never accidentally testing the weather portal is found 200 years in the future. This is something that we cannot even imagine to be our reality, but for the astronauts and those involved in these things, it is the truth. Now Harold is lost in the year 2224 and doesn't know how to get back. He needs our help to get back, so let's see what we can do.
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