G4K Princess Briona Escape Game - In the mystical kingdom of Arvendale, Princess Briona is trapped in a magical tower by an envious sorceress. The tower is...
BEG Christmas Gift to Pregnant Wife - BigEscapeGames – BEG Christmas Gift to Pregnant Wife Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Big...
365 Old Western Farm Escape - 365Escape – 365 Old Western Farm Escape is another point and click escape game developed by 365 Escape. In this Farm...
G2M Shoreline Beacon Escape the Harbor - Shoreline Beacon: Escape the Harbor is a point-and-click adventure by 8B Games/Games2Mad. You find yourself at a harbor,...
G4K Winter Girl Escape Game - In Winter Girl Escape, you must rescue a young girl trapped in a magical winter wonderland. Surrounded by snowy landscapes,...
Games2rule-Rat Escape From Greenery Forest HTML5 is Developed by Games2rule.com.In this escape game, You came to Greenery Wild. But unfortunately, A Rat is trapped in that Greenery Wild. So you have to help the Rat. By finding useful objects, and hints and