G4K Purple Monster Escape Game - In Purple Monster Escape, you are trapped in a bizarre, monster-filled world where a mischievous purple monster has locked...
Amgel Elf Room Escape 5 - AmgelEscape – Amgel Elf Room Escape 5 is another point and click room escape game developed by Amgel Escape. In this...
8B Find Elf Girl Eira - Step into a whimsical adventure with Find Elf Girl Eira, an enchanting escape game from 8bgames! Explore a delightful holiday-themed...
G2J Rescue the Jelly Man in Rope - Games2Jolly – G2J Rescue the Jelly Man in Rope Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games 2 Jolly....
Wow Help Nagini to Find Boyfriend - WowEscape – Wow Help Nagini to Find Boyfriend Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Wow Escape....