G4K Princess Briona Escape Game - In the mystical kingdom of Arvendale, Princess Briona is trapped in a magical tower by an envious sorceress. The tower is...
BEG Christmas Gift to Pregnant Wife - BigEscapeGames – BEG Christmas Gift to Pregnant Wife Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Big...
365 Old Western Farm Escape - 365Escape – 365 Old Western Farm Escape is another point and click escape game developed by 365 Escape. In this Farm...
G2M Shoreline Beacon Escape the Harbor - Shoreline Beacon: Escape the Harbor is a point-and-click adventure by 8B Games/Games2Mad. You find yourself at a harbor,...
G4K Winter Girl Escape Game - In Winter Girl Escape, you must rescue a young girl trapped in a magical winter wonderland. Surrounded by snowy landscapes,...
Blooming is an escape puzzle game. In this game, a little guy needs your help to get to the surface to find the light of day. It's your turn! Find clue and search for object that can help you solve puzzles. Enjoy playing this game.