G4K Adorable Girl Hyena Escape Game - In “Adorable Girl Hyena Escape”, you must rescue a sweet girl who has found herself stranded in the heart of...
G4K Judo Expert Rescue Game - In “Judo Expert Rescue”, you’re tasked with rescuing a skilled judo master who’s been trapped in a dojo filled...
G4K Savage Beast Rescue Game - In “Savage Beast Rescue”, you must save a fearsome beast who has been trapped in an ancient, mysterious cave....
G2J Ancient Soldier Rescue from Jail - Games2Jolly – G2J Ancient Soldier Rescue from Jail Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games...
Escape from the House with Turtles - Discover a challenging escape game where every clue counts. Stuck in a mysterious mansion, your only goal is to find the...
You are in a room strongly resembling a living room. Your goal is to free a captive dwarf by uncovering the mysteries of this place. Look for the clues that will help you find it and solve the different puzzles to progress. Decipher the puzzles, find hidden objects and use your deductive skills to find the key to the dwarf's freedom. Every object found, every broken code brings you closer to the solution. You will have to show ingenuity, logic and patience. Get ready to test your detective skills and enjoy a captivating experience, it's up to you!